I refused to believe at only 36 that my life was going to consist of taking pills everyday!
All of my doctors told me that this illness is only treatable with medication. I said to myself, I remember my grandmother taking less pills than me!
I glanced down at my daily dose of pills and put them in the bin! I decided at that point that I was going to fix my thyroid problem in a different way. I didn't know how at that point but I was 100% sure that I was going to do it without medication.
I kept my decision to myself knowing that my sister who is a nurse would not agree with me. I knew I would be judged. The reality is we are all used to taking a pill whenever we have a health problem.
So here I am now 7 years free of prescribed medication. My moods are no longer up & down. With a thyroid disorder, your mood is affected badly. Medication turned me into a person that I couldn't recognise. I am a positive & bubbly person naturally. This medication made me feel unstable, one minute I wanted to cry the next I felt so angry! My hormones were all over the place & being a woman this was especially bad! We all know that even with bad PMS as women we have to get on with things & just suck it up!
But we can have a natural way, it's our decision. I started my journey into self discovery. I became thankful for my thyroid problem as I started to look at who I am & what I am. I learned we all have 7 chakras. I realised that every sickness tells us we are not doing something right for our body. my body was telling me, no! I don't want these pills. My balance was completely out of sync, in myself & with others. I was like a ticking time bomb! I started to understand myself better by choosing this natural route.
Every chakra is very important to our lives. The biggest chakra for hormones is our throat chakra. If this chakra is blocked all of these problems arise-difficulty breathing, severe mood swings & generally feeling completely out of balance mentally.
The throat chakra also affects our sexuality & sex drive. When you look at both of these things as women, these are hugely important factors in our lives.
From a very young age as women, we are constantly being told how to behave & how we should be good girls! "you can't say that". "don't use that word". "don't scream, you are too loud"! But what is a good girl? A girl who listens to all adults in her life? As women we are put in a box from a very young age. We always have to be the best wife, the best cook, the best sister and so on. If we look at what's happening here, this upbringing & conforming to what is perceived to be a "good girl" is stopping & blocking our speech. We become afraid to express our opinions as society dictates from an early age what we should & should not say.
Our first experience of this is from our parents. We are told what to do. My parents were both very strict. I lost my dad at a very young age. My sister & I had to become adults very quickly. Our roles were chosen very quickly for us as my Mum became the breadwinner in the household so our lives consisted of cooking & cleaning. No one ever asked us if we were okay. We were only allowed outside to play once our chores were completed.
The next chapter of my life only added to this chakra being blocked. I blossomed into a gorgeous woman & naturally started to date boys. Again I felt like I had to behave & act a certain way.
I eventually got married however it ended in divorce. I never got to tell my ex-husband how I felt. In that relationship I wanted to scream, "how dare you raise your hand to me"! "how dare you speak to me in that way"! "how can you say you love me & yet cause me so much pain"!
I took my child & left. Once again I became this woman who had to depend on herself & fight for everything.
All this time my feelings were being suppressed with no one to talk to. This is when my thyroid problem started. I recognised my throat chakra had closed as a result of all of this.
When I started working on saying how I feel & expressing my feelings I became more self aware. I finally found my voice. I started working on my sexuality. I no longer felt like I was a doll being told how to behave. My health became better & I unblocked my chakra all without medication!
If you want to know more about how I healed myself & how important sexual healing is to a woman, how it fixes your hormone level & restores balance then send me an email to unpolisheddiamondltd@gmail.com