Join me for a FREE GROUP ENERGY HEALING SESSION (free for first timers only) 8.00pm via Zoom
August 13th - Sun conjunct Venus Rx
Venus represents the heart, emotional body, and relationships. There's an internal configuration that's occurring, to go within and bring out the wisdom inside the heart. The Sun conjoining Venus is going to illuminate anything that's unresolved or wanting to come into full resolution as she's having this retrospection. Don't miss this special time that happens only once a year. The Lionsgate Portal!!
The Sun has a direct connection to the Great Central Sun of our galaxy, and the black hole in the Sagittarius constellation supercluster, known as the Great Attractor. That connects to the localized supercluster of Laniakea, which we call the High Heart of the Universe, because it looks—the telescopic imagery of Laniakea—like the heart. A Cosmic Heart.
This is a period where a lot of the manifestations that have been worked on throughout your life can manifest. This is a time where you have the opportunity to connect with the highest timeline reality of your soul.
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